Mediachance EditStudio v6.0.4 英文正式版(錄製影像軟體)
EditStudio 6 PRO is different than many other
video editing applications in this price range.
It is a complete video editing package with
standard windows interface, professional quality
tools and results. It is a flexible tool
that offers all types of standard and advanced
video capturing, editing, MPEG2 encoding and
Subtitling in one package.
Whats new in the 6 version :
Streamlined Interface
Integrated Multi-Camera editing
Alpha Transparency on layers and various overlay modes
Vectorscope/Waveform/RGB Parade (also Live Scopes in capture)
Navigator View (allows easy access to whole project)
Color Bar and Tone generators
Quick Matte to directly paint Transparency Matte on a video with a brush
Mark In/Out dialog
Easy access to Toppings from Properties
Templates for HDV HD1 and HDV HD2
Audio/Video loops and multiple Loop Markers
MediaChance EditStudio v6.0.5 英文正式版(錄製影像軟體)
Mediachance Dynamic Auto Painter Pro v6.04 (x64) 動態自動畫家 英文版
MediaChance Dynamic PHOTO HDRI v1.4 Retail 英文零售版(動態成像軟體)
Mediachance DVD-Lab Pro v2.3 英文正式版(視頻DVD製作軟體)
Mediachance Dynamic Auto Painter Pro v6.11 (x64) 動態自動畫家軟體 英文版
Mediachance Dynamic Auto Painter Pro v6.04 (x64) 動態自動畫家軟體 英文版
MediaChance DVD-lab Pro v2.51 英文正式版(強大的DVD製作工具軟體)